
Give Us a Shout!

Use the contact form below to reach us. Old-fashioned phone calls work too. 866-200-2207

Let's Talk About How We Can Help!

We pride ourselves on offering excellent dog training programs.  We’re also really good at providing great customer service!  At Highland Canine Training, LLC we offer a variety of solutions for your dog training and canine education needs.  Our team of experts want to help you decide which option is best.

Whether you prefer email, text or old-fashioned phone calls; our staff of experts are here to answer your questions and help you in any way that we can. 


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    Business Office
    162 Early Lane
    Harmony, North Carolina 28634
    United States
    Toll Free 866 200 2207
    Locally  704 539 5604
    Fax  704 631 4819

    School for Dog Trainers
    162 Early Lane
    Harmony, North Carolina 28634
    United States
    Toll Free 800 726 7412
    Locally  704 539 4102
    Fax  704 631 4819

    Police K9 Sales & Training
    145 Foxfield Drive
    Harmony, North Carolina 28634
    United States
    Toll Free 800 406 3243
    Locally  704 500 6810
    Fax  704 631 4819

    Government Sales
    145 Foxfield Drive
    Harmony, North Carolina 28634
    United States
    Toll Free 800 406 3243
    Locally  704 498 7907
    Fax  704 631 4819

    Service Dog Training
    145 Foxfield Drive
    Harmony, North Carolina 28634
    United States

    Sales  704 500 8281
    Support  336 566 8164 
    Fax  704 631 4819

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