Group Rally Obedience Classes

Group Rally Obedience Classes

Build Your Dog's Behavior Reliably And Consistently!

Rally Obedience (or Rally-O, as it is sometimes referred to), is a less formal version of Obedience. Rally was developed by Charles “Bud” Kramer, the man who originally brought Agility to the United States.

In Rally Obedience, there are a series of stations laid out in a path. The dog/handler teams follow the path – with the handler giving commands at each station. The first AKC-licensed Rally trials were held in 2005, and whether you compete or just train for fun, Rally is a great way to develop teamwork between you and your dog.

Check out our calendar to see when our Rally Obedience classes are being offered in your area.

Introduction to Rally Obedience: Class Information

  • Class Duration – 5 weeks
  • Maximum Class Size – 8 dogs
  • Class may be taken as many times as needed to work on specific Rally stations.


The following are prerequisites for our Rally Obedience classes. 

  • Our Basic Obedience Class must have been taken prior to this course. Your dog must know the following commands: Sit, down, heel, place and come.
  • Your dog must be at least 6 months old to participate.
  • Your dog must be up-to-date on all age appropriate vaccinations


  • 6 foot leash
  • Your dog/puppy’s favorite treat or toy
  • Treat pouch or pockets to hold treats
  • Non-slip shoes (no open toed shoes/sandals/flip-flops)
golden retriever puppy

Introduction to Rally Obedience - Class Curriculum

Week 1

  • Introduction to Rally

  • Demonstration of Dog doing Rally Course

  • Rules Introduction

Week 2

  • Introduction to Rally signs

  • Begin teaching signs and stations

  • Beginner puppy course set up for clients and dogs

Week 3

  • Review of Week 2 – questions and problem solving any issues

  • Addition of new Rally stations added (course size increasing)

Week 4

  • Review of Week 3 – questions and problem solving any issues

  • Addition of new Rally stations added (course size increasing)

Week 5

  • Review of all Previous Weeks – question and problem solving any issues

  • Rally Novice Test for graduation

Remember to check out our calendar to see when our Rally Obedience group classes are taking place in your area! You can also contact us for more information.