Debra Livingood

Director of Business Development

Deb joined the Highland Canine Training team in 2018. As a retired Naval Officer and Director of Training/Operations for both national and international companies, she brings extensive leadership and management experience with 30+ years within both the military and civilian sectors. Her significant experience in project management, organizational development/restructuring, training and enhancing staff effectiveness through proactive mentoring efforts benefits the Highland Canine Training, LLC staff as well as Highland’s customers.

Over her professional career, she has held numerous leadership positions with direct experience in a variety of industries to include training, national and international security/counter terrorism, corrections, logistics, sales, finance, mergers and acquisitions, franchise development, and strategic planning/executive coaching. As a Commanding Officer, she was responsible for leading a large organization that provided operational and tactical support to both the Navy and Homeland Security/ Defense units. As the Chief Staff Officer for a large shore installation in Japan, she was responsible for leading over 2000 staff, 15 large departments and running a base with nine satellite locations including two explosive ordnance facilities, two off-base housing facilities, and a major fuel depot which supported seven forward deployed ships and 26 ancillary commands. During this time, she led a large security detachment with a robust Military Working Dog (MWD) program, which developed and implemented of a comprehensive security plan, coordinating all force protection and communication efforts after the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Having traveled the world extensively, and through her time living and working in the United Kingdom, Iceland and Japan, Deb also understands and appreciates the importance of cultural difference and has applied that knowledge to form outstanding international business relationships.

Deb is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, holds two Master’s degrees (Applied Science and National Security and Strategic Studies) and is a graduate of the School for Dog Trainers at Highland Canine Training, LLC, Service Dog Training Program. A business owner herself, Deb also trains service dogs for people with disabilities specializing in training dogs for children with autism.

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